Posts Tagged ‘kamon crest kimono’

The Fascinating Use of Kamons on Japanese Kimonos

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

Japan is rich in culture and tradition. One of the unique aspects of its heritage is its use of Kamons on Kimonos. A Kamon is a Japanese emblem system that has been used for centuries. It indicates one’s family lineage, bloodline, ancestry, and status. This emblem system is different from the European heraldic device, which is similar in functionality. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the history of Kamons and how they are used on Japanese kimonos.

Kamons were first used in Japan in the 12th century during the Kamakura period. It was during this time that samurai warriors began using Kamons to distinguish their family lineage on their clothing. The use of Kamons eventually spread to other classes and eventually became a popular trend in Japan.

The beauty of kamons is that it represents a person’s unique identity. In Japan, Kamons could be found on anything from clothing to flags and even on the roofs of houses. Kamons on clothing were particularly popular as they gave a sense of pride and identity to an individual.

A traditional kimono is typically adorned with Kamons. The Kamon could be found on the back of the kimono and the chest area. The back of the kimono is the most important part of the garment. It represents the wearer’s identity, hence, the Kamon on the back of the kimono is usually the largest and the most prominent.

The type of Kamon used on a kimono varies depending on the occasion. For example, a casual kimono would have a simpler Kamon, while a formal kimono would have a more intricate Kamon. The color of the Kamon also plays an essential role in determining the occasion. During a festive occasion, such as a wedding, the Kamon would be a bright and flashy color, while a somber occasion like a funeral would have a darker Kamon.

In conclusion, the use of Kamons in Japanese kimonos is a unique aspect of Japanese culture that has stood the test of time. Kamons represent an individual’s identity and lineage, and they are an important part of Japanese tradition. Whether you’re interested in Japanese fashion or history, Kamons is a fascinating aspect of Japanese culture that is worth exploring. has several kimonos available featuring elegant Kamons. Fine threads are used to embroider the distinctive emblem on the front and back of the robe. Chopa is one of the longest-operating online Kimono Shops with its roots dating back nearly 29 years. Visit their online store for a large selection of authentic kimonos, yukatas, and short-length robes.


                 Kamon Crest Kimono